is able to spring the keels of red-clover and thereby cross-pollinate them.
In a year of normal rainfall when other nectar and pollen plants are in abundance it is problematical that the honeybee will work on red-clover to this extent. The fact that under these conditions few, if any, honeybees are found on red-clover blossoms goes to show that honeybees will only vi6it red-clover blossoms in search of pollen or nectar when other main sources are not available at that time. Therefore, we must give due credit to the humble bumblebee, and it is the latter that most perfectly performs the cross-pollination of red-clover, and makes it possible that we can harvest vast quantities of red-clover seed in Wisconsin every year.
When we consider the cross-pollination of white and alsike-clover we must pay a tribute to the honeybee for the services that it renders the farmers of Wisconsin. We frequently hear farmers say that white-clover establishes itself in their pastures and continues if the pasture is only given the proper care. If no re-seeding is done, why is it that the white-clover remains as permanently as it does? The seed formation in the fields of white-clover is enormous as proved by the yields secured when it is cut and hulled out. When left in the field and pastured, countless heads of white-clover mature and form seed, thereby keeping up a normal supply of white-clover in the pasture, or even increasing the amount from year to year. Here the honeybee has served a valuable function.
Alsike-clover is becoming more common in Wisconsin than ever before, especially in the northern part of the State. Alsike-clover is able to withstand acid conditions even better than red-clover. In the northern part of the State large areas are given over to alsike-clover