not have enough bees on the blossoms to satisfy him. As he thought there must be honey to be had, and also to see if there was anything to this theory of cross-fertilization to produce seed. Thinking it no bad proposition, I decided to move part of my yard of bees to his farm. The results were as follows: I received for my share a good supply of fine honey, but to impress my point, this man threshed 125 bushels of fine clover seed valued at $8.00 per bushel. Another man this last season one mile from my yard produced 55 bushels of alsike-clover seed from less than six acres, making an average of over 9 bushels per acre, after the crop had suffered two weeks of heavy rain right after it was cut. Is this luck or is there something in this cross-fertilization through bees?"
It is the usual concession of opinion that the honeybee is only valuable in the cross-pollination of white and alsike-clover, and that it rarely, if ever, is able to cross-pollinate the flowers of red-clover. According to Knuth the proboscis of the honeybee is 6 mm. in length, which is 3.6 mm. shorter than the average length of the corolla tubes of first-crop of red-clover flowers. Honeybees may be able at times to obtain some nectar from the sides of the staminal tubes of red-clover flowers when a large amount is secreted or when the flowers are not in an upright position.
In order to throw more light upon the value of both bumblebees and honeybees in the cross-pollination of red clover, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture carried on extensive experiments to determine and prove this particular point. The data here given is the result of their investigations in 1911 and 1912. The work was carried on in Iowa. For this work a cage 12 feet square and 6 feet high, made of wire screen having 14 meshes to the linear inch, was erected shortly after the first crop of clover had been cut. As soon as the second crop started to bloom