Ramona. See Sage.
Raphanus Rhaphanistrum, 191.
Raspberry, 191; wild red, 191; habitat, 191; honey flow from, 193; cultivated, 194.
Raspberry Honey, Quality of, 193.
Rattan, 194.
Roystonea regia, 179.
Red-bay, 194.
Redberry, 80.
Red Box, 125.
Redbud, 194.
Red Clover. See Clover, 108; pollination of, 108-112; when honeybees gather nectar from, 21.
Red Gum, 125.
Red Iron Bark, 125.
Red Stringy-bark, 125.
Reseda odorata, 166.
Retama. See Horse-bean, 144.
Rhamnus —
californica, 80; catharticus, 80; crocea, 80; purshiana, 80.
Rhizophora Mangle, 151.
Rhode Island, 269.
Rhododendron, 194; calendulaceum, 194.
Rhus, 207; copallina, 210; diversiloba, 210; glabra, 210; laurina, 210; Metopium, 210; ovata, 210; Toxicodendron, 210; Vernix, 210; virens, 147.
Ribes, 120; gracile, 120.
Richardia —
braziliensis, 166; Scabra, 166.
Ricinus communis, 41.
Robinia Pseudo-Acacia, 149.
Rock Brush, 195.
Rock-rose, 48.
Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, 195.
Rosa, 48.
Rose, 48.
Rosa de Montana. See Pink-vine, 188.
Rosin-weed, 195.
Rubus —
allegheniensis, 72; fruticosus, 72; idaeus, 191; parviflorus, 200; vitifolius, 72.
Rush, 51.
megacarpa, 181; palmetto, 179.
Sacaline, 195.
Sage —
black, 196; purple, 196; white, 196.
Sage honey 195.
Sainfoin, 200.
St. John’s-wort, 51.
Salix, 234; alba, 234; babylonica, 234; cordata, 237; discolor, 237; longifolia, 237; lucida, 237; nigra, 234; rostrata, 237.
Salmon-berry, 200.
Salvia, 195; apiana, 196; azurea, 200; carduacea, 200; Columbaria, 200; lanceolata, 200; leucophylla, 196; mellifera, 196; officinalis, 200; sonomensis, 200; verbenacea, 200.
Sambucus canadensis, 44.
Sanguinaria canadensis, 41.
Sapindus, 204; Drummondii, 204; Marginatus, 204; Saponaria, 204.
Satureja hortensis, 201; rigida, 187. Savory, 201.
Scale-bugs, 30.
Scale-insects, 30.
Schinus molle, 187.
Scirpus lacustris, var. occidentalis, 51.
Screw Bean, 223.
Scrophularia — marilandica, 126; californica, 126; nodosa, 126.
Sea Grape, 201.
Secretion of Nectar, 10.
Sedge, 51.
Serenoa serrulata, 181.
Sex in Plants, Purpose of, 6.
Shadbush, 201.
Sheep Laurel. See Mountain Laurel, 172.
Shoestring Vine. See Blue Vine.
Shrubby Thefoil. See Hop-tree, 142.
Sida spinosa, 201.
Sidalcea malvaeflora, 142.
Siderocarpus flexicaulis, 221.
Silkweed (Milkweed), 168.
Silphium laciniatum, 195.
Silver-berry, 201.
Silver Wattle. See Acacia.
Simpson’s Honey Plant. See Figwort.
Skunk Cabbage, 51.
Smartweed. See Heartsease.
Sneezeweed, 201.
Snowberry, 80.
Snow-on-the-Mountain, 201.
Snowvine. See Cow-itch, 117.
Soapberry, 204.
Soap-bush, 204.
Soils, relation of to distribution and vigor of honey plants, 13; formation of, 13; acid effects of on plants, 15.
Solidago —
californica, 131; canadensis, 135; graminifolia, 133; juncea, 133; neglecta, 135; memoralis, 133; occidentalis, 131; puberula, 131; rigida, 133; rugosa, 133; rupestris, 135; sempervirens, 135; squarrosa, 131.
Sophora secundiflora, 112.
Sorrel-tree. See Sourwood, 204.
Sour Clover, 206.
Sour Gum, 226; see Sourwood, 204.
Sourwood, 204.
South Carolina, 291.
South Dakota, 345.
Southern Buckthorn, 112.
Spanish Bayonet, 245.
Spanish Clover. See Mexican Clover, 166.
Spanish Dagger, 245.
Spanish Vine. See Pink-vine, 188.
Spanish Needles, 206.
Spearmint. See Mint, 166.
Spider Flower. See Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, 195.
Spikeweed, 206.
Spruce, 43.
Square-stalk, 126.