Gooseberry. See Currant.
Gorse, 45. See Furze under Pollen Plants.
Gossypium —
arboreum, 112; barbadense, 112; her-baceum, hirsutum, 112; tomentosum, 114.
Granjeno. See Hackberry, 135.
Gramineae, 45.
Granulation of Honey, 9.
Grape, 45, 135.
Grape Fruit, 175, 176, 177.
Grass, 45.
Gravel Root. See Boneset, 78.
Gray Box, 125.
Greasewood. See Chamise, 96.
Grindelia squarrosa, 135.
Ground Pine. See Ephedra, 122.
Guaiacum angustifolium, 204.
Gum-plant, 135.
Gum-trees. See Eucalyptus, 122-126.
Gutierrezia texana, 79.
Haekberry, 135.
Haematoxylon campechianum, 149.
Hamamelis virginiana, 243.
Hawthorn, 136.
Hazelnut, 45.
Heal-all. See Figwort, 126.
Heartsease, 136.
Heartweed, 136.
Heather, 138.
Hedge Nettle, 138.
Hedysarum coronarium, 207.
Helenium autumnale, 201; tenuifolium, 71.
Helianthemum canadense, 48.
Helianthus —
annuus, 211; tuberosus, 63, 211.
Heliotrope, 138.
Heliotropium curassavicum, 138.
Hemizonia, 220; corymbosa, 220; fasciculata, 220; luzulaefolia, 220; virgata, 220.
Hepatica, 45; Triloba, 45.
Herba del Oso, 80.
Hercules Club. See Prickly Ash, 190.
Heron’s-bill. See Alfilerilla, 60.
Heteromeles arbutifolia, 97.
Hickory, 45.
Hieracium aurantiacum, 177.
Hill Vervenia. See Phacelia, 138.
Hippomane Mancinella, 150.
Holly, 138.
Hollyhock, 142.
Honey, buckeye, sometimes poisonous, 142.
Horehound, 143.
Honeybees, value of for pollinating cucumbers, 119.
Honey, chemical analyses of 33.
Honey-dew, definition of, 28; excreted by insects, 28; supposed to fall from stars, 28; on orange trees, 28; on oak and other trees, 30; on pear trees, 28; detrimental to beekeeping, 28.
Honey-dew Honey —
Distinguished from floral honey by
polariscope, 33; from Hawaiian Islands, 29; chemical composition of, 33; uses of, 33; not a safe winter food for bees, 33.
Honey Locust, 142.
Honey Plant, Definition of, 7.
Honey Plants —
relation to soils, 7; four most important, 8.
Honey-pod, 160.
Honeysuckle, 142.
Honeys vary in color, density, flavor, etc., 8.
Hop-tree, 142.
Horse-bean, 144.
Horse-chesnut, 142.
Horsemint, 145.
Hubam Clover, 217, 220.
Huckleberry, 146.
Huajilla, 145.
Huisache, 146.
Humidity and Nectar Secretion, 17.
Hypericum, 51; formosum, 51.
Hypochaeris radicata, 94.
Hyssop, 146.
Idaho, 368.
Impatiens biflora, 147.
Ilex —
glabra, 127; lucida, 129; Cassine, 129; vomitoria, 129; decidua, 129; verticillata, 129; opaca, 129; myrtifolia, 142.
Illinois, 329.
Indiana, 326.
Indian currant, 80.
Indian Hemp, 121.
Indian sage. See Boneset.
Inkberry. See Gallberry, 127.
Insects which excrete honey-dew, 28 30, 31.
Iowa, 337.
Ipomoea sidaefolia, 86; trifida, 221.
Ironwood. See Coma, 112.
Italian Clover. See Crimson Clover.
Jackass Clover, 146.
Japan Plum. See Loquat, 147, 150.
Jarrah, 125.
Jewel-Weed, 147.
Joe-Pye Weed. See Boneset.
Judas-tree. See Redbud, 194.
Junglans, nigra, 51; cinerea, 51.
Juncaceae, 51.
Juniper, 43.
Kalmia —
angustifolia, 172; latifolia, 172.
Kansas, 349.
Kentucky, 285.
Kidney Root. See Boneset.
Kinnikinnik, 147.
Knockaway, 63.
Knotweed, 136.
Kuhnistera pinnata, 211.
Lady’s Thumb, 136.
Laguncularia racemosa, 151.