Acacia — Berlandieri, 55, 145; Greggii, 55, 90; Green-barked. See Palo Verde, 183.
Acer — circinatum, 155; macrophyllum, 155; Negundo, 78, 155; rubrum, 155; saccharum, 155.
Adam’s Needle, 245. See Yucca. Adenostoma fasciculatum, 96.
Aesculus — californica, 80; glabra, 80; Hippocastanum, 80.
Agastache nepetoides, 146. See Hyssop.
Agave americana, 56.
Ague Weed. See Boneset, 78.
Aguinaldo — de pascuas, 88; rosada, 89.
Ailanthus, 223.
Alabama, 301.
Alder, 41.
Alfalfa honey, 56.
Alfalfa, Wild. See Wild Alfalfa.
Alfilerilla, 60.
Algaroba. See Mesquite, 160-164.
Alkali-Heath, 60.
Alkaline Salts in Soil Injurious to Vegetation, 14, 15.
Allium Cepa, 175.
Almond, 60.
Alnus incana, 41.
A loysia — ligustrina, 232; Wrightii, 232.
Alsike Clover. See Clover. Yields nectar more freely than white clover, 100; more hardy than red clover, 101.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, 48.
Amelanchier canadensis, 201.
Amorpha fruticosa, 126.
Analyses of Honey-dew Honeys, 33.
Anaqua, 63.
Anemone quinquefolia, 41.
Angle-pod. See Blue-vine, 63.
Anthemis Cotula, 159.
Antigonon leptopus, 188.
Avicennia nitida, 151.
Aphids, 31.
Aphis, called the cow of the ants, 33.
Apium graveolens, 96.
Apocynum cannabinum, 121.
Apple, 63.
Apple Box, 125.
Apricot, 63.
Arachis hypogaea, 186.
Arbutus Menziessii, 150.
Arctostaphylos — glauca, 155; manzanita, 155; tomentosa, 155.
Arizona, 373.
Arkansas, 310.
Arrow-wood, 72.
Artichoke, 63; Jerusalem, 63.
Asclepias — incarnata, 168; mexicana, 168; speciosa, 168; syriaca, 166.
Asparagus, 63; officinalis, 63.
Aspen. See Poplar, 48.
Aster, 63; adnatus, 65; lateriflorus, 63; multiflorus, 63; paniculatus, 63; Tradescanti, 63; squarrosus, 65.
Baccharis — angustifolia, 245; glutinosa, 245; sarathroides, 245.
Bachelor’s Button, 67.
Ball Sage. See Sage.
Banana, 67.
Barberry, 67, 177.
Barnaby’s Thistle. See Yellow Star Thistle, 244.
Basil, 67.
Basswood, 67.
Bean, 69.
Bearberry. See Manzanita.
Beard-tongue, 70.
Bee-balm, 70.
Beech, 41.
Beeweed. See Rocky Mountain Bee Plant.
Beggar-ticks, 70.
Berberis aquifolium, 177.
Berberis vulgaris, 67; trifoliolata, 67; pinnata, 67.
Berchemia scandens, 194.
Berthelotia sericea, 84.
Bidens, 206; frondosa, 70, 206; aristosa, 71, 206.
Bird Cherry, 188.
Bitterweed, 71.
Blackberry, 72.
Black Gum. See Tupelo, 226.
Black Haw, 72.
Blackheart. See Smartweed.
Black Wattle. See Acacia.
Bloodroot, 41.
Blueberry, 72.
Bluebottle. See Bachelor’s Button.
Blue Curls, 73.
Blue Gum, 125.
Blue Thistle, 74.
Blue-weed, 74.
Bokhara. See Sweet Clover.
Bombus terrestris, 110.
Boneset, 78.
Borago officinalis, 78.
Boston Ivy, 78.
Box Elder, 78.
Brassica — alba, 173; arvensis, 173; nigra, 173.
Brazilwood, 78.
Broomweed, 79.
Brunichia cirrhosa, 80.
Brown Stringy-bark, 125.
Buchu. See Ephedra, 122.
Buckbrush, 80.
Buckeye, 80.