average of 213 pounds per colony. In 1921, 1500 cans were produced by 650 colonies, an average of 138 pounds per hive. In 1922 the crop was much smaller, the average per hive for 750 colonies being 78 pounds, or 985 cans. In 1923, 700 colonies produced 1623 cans, or an average per hive of 139 pounds. The average per colony for five years was 144 pounds. While willows, dandelion, service berry, choke cherry, and thornbushes are common in the canyons and are very helpful for brood-rearing in the spring, the colonies can often be built up to advantage in Utah County and later moved to the Basin for the harvest. Besides alfalfa, sweet clover and alsike clover are important.
Emery County in the east central part of the state is bounded on the east by Green River, and crossed by the San Rafael River and its tributaries, which supply water for the irrigation of 91,000 acres. In the production of honey Emery County ranks in importance with the Uintah Basin.
In the rest of the plateau region, especially in Grand County, on the east border, and San Juan County, in the southeast corner, the land is largely arid and contains only a small acreage of alfalfa. But there are many small valleys which can be irrigated to some extent. Washington County, where irrigation is most extensively practiced, that the major.
It is in the central mountainous belt of land extending from Cache County to ity of beekeepers in Utah are located. At Hyrum, Cache County, 10 commercial apiaries contain from 100 to 150 colonies. One of the most successful beekeepers in that section reports that in 10 years he has bad three good crops, three fair crops, three poor crops, and one failure. Serious losses have been sustained here during the winter, and some years ago one of the largest honey producers in the United States lost 2120 colonies, having only 80 left. Another apiarist lost 1100 colonies. Alfalfa a( Hyrum yields nectar in August so abundantly that a hive on scales often shows a gain of 11 pounds in one day. Weber County, south of Cache County, is an equally good location; and at North Ogden a beekeeper operates 20 apiaries which contain not far from 3000 colonies.
In the region surrounding Salt Lake City, honey producers are few, owing to the smelters located near the city. In Salt Lake City limits there are about 100 colonies, and in the Murray and Mill Creek districts adjoining 400 more. The valley of Salt Lake City would be a paradise for bees if it were not for the smelters located a few miles distant. By seeking out little coves near the mountains this disadvantage is overcome to some extent; and by careful attention and the use of modem methods it is possible to secure 100 to 150 pounds of surplus of extracted honey per colony in localities where alfalfa and sweet clover thrive.
At Provo, on Utah Lake, is located one of the largest beekeepers in Utah, who has several thousand colonies of bees at various points in Utah and Idaho. In Utah County there are thousands of acres of alfalfa, and white sweet clover is also the source of a large amount of honey. Dandelion, fruit bloom, and locust are abundant. Colonies can with advantage be built up here in the spring, and moved later to the Uintah Basin for the harvest.
At Nephi, near the center of the state, there are many apiaries. During recent years beekeeping has suffered from the alfalfa butterfly, grasshoppers, and occasionally from the Tachinid fly, Archytas amalis. A beekeeper at Mellington, Carbon County, writes that in the Price River Valley, 60 miles in length, there are about 50 apiaries which average 100 colonies. “I have been here 12 years, and have built up 12 apiaries. I obtain a crop every year from white sweet clover and alfalfa; but the amount varies, as occasionally there is not enough snow in the mountains to furnish sufficient water for irrigation.” At Price specialists are reported to operate 700 or more colonies.