is well adapted to bee culture. In Garfield County there are 73,000 acres under irrigation along Grand River, and there are 31,000 acres of alfalfa. An average production per colony of 34 pounds of comb honey and 20 pounds of extracted has been reported. From Newcastle a beekeeper writes: “My experience with 400 colonies in my present location has been profitable, as the weather conditions are most favorable, and the climate ideal. All land above 7000 feet is not suitable.” From Rifle another apiarist writes: “I have been in the business for 15 years, and handle about 400 colonies with fair results. There are some 15 commercial apiaries in this locality.”
In Mesa County also there is a large acreage of alfalfa and many commercial apiaries. Sweet clover grows only along ditches. Foul brood and spraying of fruit bloom with poisonous solutions have destroyed the bees in the orchard districts. Instead of two or three sprayings there are now in some orchards seven or eight, and greater loss is caused by the poison on the cover crops than by that on the bloom. Most of the beekeepers have in consequence moved away from the orchards. This will prove in the end injurious to the fruit-growers, as there will not be sufficient bees present to pollinate the flowers properly. Alfalfa is often cut as soon as it begins to bloom. In Delta County, along the Gunnison and Uncompaghre rivers there are 30,000 acres of irrigated alfalfa and 7000 colonies of bees. An average surplus per colony in 150 apiaries was two cases of comb and 40 pounds of extracted honey.
In Montrose County, which adjoins Mesa and Delta counties on the south, the irrigated area along the Uncompaghre River comprises about 94,000 acres. The area of alfalfa in 1919 was 34,000 acres and a few years previously the county bee inspector reported 7000 colonies in 75 apiaries. Four thousand cases of comb honey have been produced in a season besides some thousands of pounds of extracted honey. In no counties of Colorado have better results been obtained than in Mesa, Delta, and Montrose counties, but beekeepers in these counties feel that they are becoming crowded and are opposed to having others come into this territory.
In the counties of San Miguel, Dolores, and Montezuma, in the southwest corner, there are few colonies of bees and a small acreage of alfalfa. In Dolores County there is only a little over 1000 acres under irrigation. In Montezuma County, in the extreme southwest, conditions are much better; and along the small livers there are 44,000 acres under irrigation and 22,000 acres of alfalfa. A beekeeper at Mancos writes: “Commercial apiaries contain from 30 to 300 colonies. I have 90 colonies, and obtain a good crop every year.” Another beekeeper, at Cortez, writes: “After an experience of 10 years I can say that honey production here is a very reliable and a fairly remunerative employment. The most serious drawbacks are foul brood, which requires constant attention, our isolation, and high freight rates. Our seasons are very certain, although always late.” In La Plata County, which adjoins Montezuma County, there are 63,000 acres under irrigation, and 26.000 acres of alfalfa. Many apiaries report an average surplus of 50 pounds per colony. The percentage of bees in box hives in many counties is very small; but in La Plata it is 15 per cent.
A list of the honey plants of Colorado, by C. P. Gillette, State Entomologist, was published in the Fifteenth Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station, 1902. The following plants yield only pollen: American elm (Ulmus americana): wind-flower (Anemone patens, var. nutalliana); Lombardy poplar (Populus dilatata); white ash (Fraxinus americana); cottonwood (Populus balsamifera); sedge (Carex. sp.); western ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya); poppy (Argemone platy-