the boll weevil the cotton-fields do not supply much nectar. A beekeeper at Fitzgerald reports that he has obtained very little surplus during the past three years.
The southwest counties are less suitable for beekeeping than the southeast portion. Miller County, in the southwest corner, is a fair location. One beekeeper reports that there is no great profit in beekeeping there, but S. V. Brown writes that some conspicuous successes have been made in that area. The boll weevil has reduced the crop from cotton, and the fall flow is sometimes injured by honey from bitterweed. In Decatur and Early counties the apiaries are usually small, and chunk honey is chiefly produced, which is sold at home. Lee County, farther north, is regarded as an ideal location for the small beekeeper. Brood-rearing begins early, and the swarms store from 50 to 75 pounds of honey. Around Cordele, from 40 to 75 colonies are kept in one yard, and there are about 20 apiaries in this vicinity. From Cordele northward to the “fall line,” or the city of Macon, the counties contain few colonies of bees.
Effingham and Screven counties, which are bordered on the east by the Savannah River, offer fair opportunities. At Oliver, Screven County, there are several small apiaries in modern hives. During six successive years a medium crop of honey has been secured. The surplus comes chiefly from gallberry, which begins blooming about the 10th of May. Farther westward, in Emanuel and Laurens counties, gallberry continues to be the most important honey plant; and while 50 pounds per colony is a fair average, strong colonies sometimes store 200 or even 300 pounds of surplus. Bibb County lies on the border line between the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont Plateau, and in this area more fruit, grain, clover, alfalfa, and buckwheat are grown than southward. Near the city of Macon there are two large commercial apiaries which report an average surplus of about 35 pounds per colony.
Northern Georgia comprises the Piedmont Plateau and the northwestern mountainous region, the dividing line extending from Habersham County, in the northeast, through Bartow County to Haralson County on the west border. The Piedmont Plateau, which has an elevation of about 1000 feet above sea level, is a land of hills and valleys, with a healthful climate, mild winters, and cool nights in summer. Its area is about 15,000 square miles. The surplus comes chiefly from cotton, tulip tree, locust, sumac, goldenrod, aster, persimmon, blackberry, willow, and sweet clover.
A beekeeper at Temple, Carroll County, writes: “I have been interested in beekeeping for about 35 years, operating for the past ten years 25 hives. The season is colder here, and the land is more extensively cultivated than in south Georgia. On an average I obtain 25 pounds to the hive.” In Douglas County, conditions are similar. Fifty pounds is considered a good average surplus, and this is secured only two years out of three. At Lula, Hall County, in the northeast, there are no specialists. Seventy-five per cent, of the bees are in old-fashioned hives, which supply very little honey; but there are large apple and peach orchards in addition to the wild flora, offering a good opening to an expert beekeeper. At Bogart, Oconee County, not more than 20 or 30 colonies can be kept in one yard; yet one apiarist has more than 30 yards with over 800 colonies. His lowest average has been 56 pounds per colony, and his highest 86 pounds. According to F. C. Pellett, about 25 pounds per colony are stored from blackberry in April, following which there is a light flow from tulip tree, sumac, and gum. There is a little sourwood in this locality, which gives a light flow. Cotton and cowpeas follow sourwood, and about 12 pounds per colony are obtained from aster in the fall. In general, throughout the Piedmont Plateau the apiaries are small and the honey flora meager.