amount of honey than any other state, probably three-fourths of the beekeepers do not live on farms and consequently have not been included in the returns of the census enumerator. In the more strictly agricultural states, such as Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, and Oregon, the figures are more nearly accurate; and in thinly settled rural counties they are approximately correct. But in general the number of beekeepers in the several states is twice or three times as large as the figures given in the census reports. For this reason, except in special instances, they are seldom used in Part IV.
The descriptions of the conditions of bee culture in the forty-eight states are based on replies to a great number of questionnaires which were sent out in 1919 and 1920; and the statements, strictly speaking, apply to those years and to prior years. While the size of the apiaries and the surplus obtained vary more or less from year to year, conditions in most localities have remained essentially unchanged. An apiary is an experiment in bee culture, which shows the results which may be expected in the production of honey in a locality during a term of years. This experience has a permanent value and continues to be instructive even after the apiary has disappeared. All of the following records, therefore, remain valuable, although in some instances the apiaries may no longer be in existence.
In the preparation of the descriptions of the various states the author desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to the following distinguished apiarists for much information and many helpful suggestions. Responsibility for the facts as presented, however, should rest with the author alone.
Alabama, T. Atchinson, J. M. Cutts, and Mell Pritchard; Arizona, Mrs. M. G. Loveitt; Arkansas, J. V. Ormond; California, L. L. Andrews, M. H. Mendleson, and G. H. Vansell; Colorado, Prof. C. P. Gillette and F. A Rauchfuss; Connecticut, A. Latham; Florida, Frank Sterling and J. C. Goodwin; Georgia, S. V. Brown and A. R. Irish; Idaho, Roy Rabbit; Illinois, A. L. Kildow and A. G. Gill; Indiana, C. O. Yost; Iowa, Frank C. Pellett and F. B. Paddock; Kansas, Dr. J. H. Merrill; Kentucky, Prof. H. Garman; Louisiana, Prof. E. C. Davis; Maryland, E N. Cory; Massachusetts, Dr. Burton N. Gates; Michigan, Prof. R. H. Kelty, B. F. Kindig, and Ira D. Bartlett; Minnesota, Prof. Francis Jager; Mississippi, Prof. R. B. Willson; Missouri, Prof. Leonard Haseman; Montana, W. A. Petzoldt and B. J. Kleinesselink; Nebraska, H. C. Cook and J. H. Wagner; Nevada, G. C. Schweis; New York, Charles Stewart and Prof. R. B. Willson; New Hampshire, Wm. H. Wolff; New Jersey, E. G. Carr; North Carolina, C. L. Sams, B. E. Eckert, and Frank H. Lathrop; North Dakota. Prof. R. L. Webster; Ohio, Chas. A. Reese and E. R. Root; Oklahoma, C. F. Stiles; Oregon, Prof. H. A. Scullen; Pennsylvania, George H. Rea and C. N. Green; Rhode Island, A. C. Miller; South Carolina, E. S. Prevost; South Dakota, L. A. Syverud; Tennessee, J. M. Buchanan and Prof. G. M. Bentley; Texas, Dr. F. L. Thomas, B. I. Solomon, and H. B. Parks; Utah, F. B. Terriberry and M. A. Gill; Vermont, J. E. Crane; Virginia, Dr. W. J. Shoene and B. Anderson; Washington, Prof. H. A. Scullen; West Virginia, Charles A. Reese; Wisconsin, Dr. S. B. Fracker, Prof. H. F. Wilson, and C. D. Adams; Wyoming, C L. Gorkins, Charles Ranney, and 0. Hamm.