the season there is a third crop. Few plants yield as much nectar, and the secretion continues abundant even in windy, cloudy, or rainy weather. During a very unfavorable season a hive of bees on scales showed a daily increase in weight of five pounds. The honey is famed throughout France. It is a pale amber or straw color and very sweet. As the bees come into the hive covered with pollen the new combs are quite yellow, and the cappings are of a pretty saffron shade.
SAVORY (Satureja hortensis). — Summer savory. A garden annual growing wild sparingly from New Brunswick to Kentucky. Honeybees visit the flowers in great numbers in some localities, but in Maine under cultivation the bloom was entirely neglected.
SEA GRAPE (Coccolobis uvifera). — An unattractive small tree or shrub with; twisted and crooked branches, which grows along the beach, frequently in the water. It is common in southern Florida and on the Keys. The round leaves are so leathery that they are not blighted by the stinging force of the salt spray driven by severe storms. The flowers are small, green, and in clusters; the fruit resembles the common grape in size and appearance and is fairly palatable. At Sarasota, Florida, it is reported to be an important honey plant. It belongs to the buckwheat family.
SENSITIVE PEA. — See Partridge-pea.
SHADBUSH (Amelanchier canadensis). — There are some 23 species in North America, mostly shrubs, which are abundant in localities. The large white flowers open in April or May, and, as they furnish both pollen and nectar, are helpful to the apiary. The Canadian shadbush is the most common species in the eastern states. (Fig. 106.)
SIDA (Sida spinosa). — There are some 17 species in the South, growing in sandy soil from Virginia to Florida and westward to Arizona. Also found in the warmer parts of South America, Asia, and Africa. Sida is listed as a honey plant in Texas, Porto Rico, and Hawaii (where the native name is ilima). The prickly sida, a common species, has solitary yellow flowers which contain nectar.
SILKWEED. — See Milkweed.
SILVER WATTLE. — See Acacia.
SILVER-BERRY (Elaeagnus argentea). — A shrub with twigs covered with brown scurf becoming silvery, found from Utah to British Columbia and Minnesota. The fragrant, pale yellow flowers secrete nectar freely, and are visited by bees.
SMARTWEED. — See Heartsease.
SNEEZEWEED (Helenium autumnale). — Also called false sunflower. A perennial plant with bright yellow flowers, growing in swamps and wet land throughout a large part of the United States. Honeybees gather both pollen and nectar. It belongs to the same genus as bitterweed.
SNOWBERRY. — See Buckbush.
SNOW-ON-THE-MOUNTAIN (Euphorbia marginata). — An annual, the upper leaves of which have white margins. Grows wild from Minnesota to Texas, where a surplus of 15 pounds per colony has been reported. The honey is a very dark amber with a peculiar but not unpleasant taste. Of interest chiefly because the honey has been reported to be poisonous.
SNOWVINE (Cissus arborea). -— Pepper-vine. A climbing woody vine belong-