ROCK BRUSH (Eysenhardtia amorphoides). — A branched shrub with glandular pinnate leaves and white flowers, common on the limestone hills of southern Texas and northern Mexico, blooming in spring and yielding an excellent honey. Nine hundred pounds from 12 hives have been secured, and an abundance left for the bees. It belongs to the pulse family, or Leguminosae.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN BEE PLANT (Cleome serrulata). — A smooth annual, with trifoliolate leaves and showy rose-colored flowers in racemes. Its habitat is from Minnesota southwest to New Mexico and Arizona. In Colorado the importance of Cleome has been greatly overestimated, although formerly it was much more important than to-day. In exceptionally favorable seasons it still yields considerable surplus. It grows widely over the plains east of the mountains, while beekeepers are found chiefly in the irrigated areas. The honey has been reported •as of light color and fair flavor, and also as dark and strong. It begins blooming in July, and bees at times work freely on it. About 1890 the Michigan Agricultural College experimented with several acres of this plant for the purpose of testing its value. A good stand of plants was not secured, and the honey obtained was far from paying expenses.
Two other species of this genus also deserve description. Spider-flower (C. spinosa) is cultivated for its handsome white or rose-colored flowers. It grows in waste places from Illinois southward to Florida and Louisiana, and often yields nectar very copiously. With a medicine dropper a teaspoonful of nectar has been drawn from thirteen flowers. It has indeed been gathered with a spoon in sufficient quantities to permit its flavor to be tasted, and a single bee can not gather all there is in one blossom. There are several hundred blossoms to each plant, and they yield nectar until late in the fall. An acre of these plants in bloom presents a most beautiful sight.
Yellow Cleome (C. lutea). The yellow Cleome has yellow flowers and blooms in June. It is found in the western highlands from Nebraska to Washington and Arizona. Unlike the purple Cleome, which seems to prefer cool well-watered locations in the creek bottoms and upper mountain valleys, the yellow species is seldom found anywhere except in the desert and in the cultivated land of the warmer valleys. If the winters are dry the seed does not germinate, but lies dormant in the soil until there is sufficient moisture, so that there may be few or no plants for several years. But after a winter with a sufficient precipitation of rain or snow it springs up so quickly that the desert for miles looks as though it were covered with a carpet of gold. In moist or irrigated land it grows to the height of two feet or more, and blooms nearly all summer. Usually it grows only 12 to 18 inches tall, and dies in two or three weeks after it begins to bloom.
Under favorable conditions it yields a moderately large amount of honey. Nearly a super per colony has been obtained. The honey is rather dark-colored, but the flavor is good. Cleome fills in the gap between fruit-bloom and alfalfa.
ROSE. — See Pollen Plants.
ROSIN-WEED (Silphium laciniatum). — A tall rough-leaved herb with numerous large heads of bright yellow flowers growing on the prairies from Ohio to Texas, but not forming dense masses. It blooms from July to September, and the honeybee and many other bees have been observed sucking the nectar. Another species, the cup-plant (S. perfoliatum), is common on the prairies, and honeybees gather from the flowers both nectar and pollen. July to September.
SACALINE (Polygonum sachalinense). — This hardy perennial from the island of Sakhalin is closely allied to buckwheat. The stems are over 6 feet tall, the leaves are heart-shaped, and the small greenish-white flowers are borne in clusters in the axils of the leaves. It blooms profusely in August and is said to be a great favorite with bees. Tests of sacaline have been made in many states, but most of the reports are adverse to the plant.
SAGE (Salvia). — Sage honey, which is widely known for its delicious flavor in Europe as well as in America, is a product peculiar to California. The crops of