Fig. 97. — Scrub Palmetto (Sabal megacarpa). In bud. Photographed by Lovell.
flat-topped clusters or umbels. The nectar is unprotected and the bloom is visited by a great number of insects, including honeybees. Where abundant, this plant should prove of value. Near the great truck gardens in the Sacramento River Valley where large areas of parsnip and celery are grown for seed, hives five or six stories high are packed with honey from these plants. The honey is light-colored and medium in quality.
PARTRIDGE-PEA (Cassia Chamaechrista). — Also called sensitive pea. The genus Cassia contains more than 275 species, which are very abundant in tropical America. It is of interest to note that the flowers of this great genus are both nectarless and odorless. They are pollen-flowers. While all the species may be cross-