this source. It blooms in autumn, but heavily only every other year. One to three feet tall; flowers yellow in dense racemes; leaves of three leaflets like a clover leaf.

JAPAN PLUM. — A variety of plum introduced from Japan. See Plum. The loquat is also sometimes called Japan plum. See Loquat.


JEWEL-WEED (Impatiens biflora). — A surplus of honey has been reported to be gathered from this plant in Minnesota. When honeybees enter the pendulous flowers their backs are dusted with the white pollen, and the beekeeper knows that they are working on the bloom of jewel-weed. Bumblebees often bite holes in the spurs, and then both bumblebees and honeybees rob the nectaries without entering the flowers. Also called touch-me-not from the elastic seed vessels.

JOE-PYE WEED. — See Boneset.

KIDNEY ROOT. — See Boneset.

KINNIKINNIK (Rhus virens). — The green sumac in Texas is found in hilly woodlands from the Colorado River to the Rio Grande. It is reported to yield a strong-flavored, greenish-colored honey, which does not granulate. Kinnikinnik is also one of the vernacular names of the red bearberry Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi.

KNOCKAWAY. — See Anaqua.

KNOTWEED.—A variety of Polygonum lepathifolium called P. incarnatum, with large leaves and long drooping spikes of flowers, at Hebron, Ohio, is abundant and yields much fine honey. It grows best in moist lands and in wet seasons. The pink blossoms present a beautiful appearance. During drought there is less bloom; but if there is much rain it blooms in September, and the combs are filled nearly to the bottom-bars. See Heartsease.

LAUREL. — See Mountain Laurel.

LEMON (Citrus Limonium). — At Corona, California, a six-acre lemon grove was covered with tobacco cloth, a strong kind of mosquito netting. The purpose was to secure a more even temperature — warmer in winter, cooler in summer. Two colonies of bees were placed in the grove, but they dwindled rapidly and died in a few months. The honey gathered was a very light yellow and possessed a slightly tart flavor. The fruit increased fourfold, but unfortunately a heavy wind wrecked the structure. Near Pasadena, California, there is a lemon orchard 50 acres in extent. Three colonies of bees placed in this orchard gathered a small amount of lemon honey, the qualities of which are described as excellent. It had a mild acid flavor suggestive of the lemon. The lemon blooms more or less at all seasons of the year. It is cultivated in southern Florida, and in southern California near the coast; but it is by no means as important as the orange as a honey plant.

LIME (Citrus Limetta). — The lime, a native of India, is cultivated occasionally in California. The fruit is similar in shape to that of the lemon, but the flesh is greenish and the juice very acid. The flowers yield nectar.

LIME-TREE. — See Basswood.

LIMA BEAN (Phaseolus lunatus). — Seventy-five per cent, of all the beans harvested in the United States are grown in California, and more than 50 per cent, of the entire crop comes from the southwestern counties of Ventura, Orange, Santa Barbara, and San Diego. In 1920 the four counties reported 115,000 tons of beans. Of the various varieties of beans grown in California only the Lima bean is of value to the beekeeper, although the black-eyed bean has been erroneously stated to yield an amber-colored honey. In 1920 there were under cultivation in southern California 149,837 acres of Lima beans, and in 1919 the crop was 900,000 bags. California produces 85 per cent, of the Lima beans grown in the world. The only