dry uplands are about one-half covered with a scrubby, thorny growth, 2 to 12 feet tall, often forming impenetrable thickets. Mesquite, white brush, prickly pear, Texas ebony, catsclaw, retama, and huajilla are abundant and yield a large surplus of honey. The three most important honey plants are mesquite, catsclaw, and huajilla; but the main surplus, according to Scholl, comes from huajilla. Huajilla occupies the rocky ridges and hills of this section extending from the Nueces River to the Rio Grande. It is not found in Cameron County in the extreme south, but is common in Uvalde and many other southern counties. It is a nearly unarmed shrub, 2 to 10 feet tall, with bipinnate leaves and small cream-colored flowers in globular heads. It blooms from the last of March to the middle of May, and yields nectar in such abundance that it is impossible for the bees to gather all of it in favorable seasons; but a sudden rain will bring the flow to an abrupt close. Many carloads of this honey have been shipped from Uvalde County. The honey is white or a very light amber, and is probably the lightest-colored honey produced in the state. It has a very mild rich flavor, and is famous for its excellent quality and pleasing aroma. It granulates early with a coarser grain than catsclaw honey. The flow is not reliable every year. Huajilla honey unmixed in commercial quantities is difficult to get, as this species and catsclaw usually bloom at the same time.
HUCKLEBERRY (Gaylussacia). — There are seven species of huckleberry in the southern states, which grow on a great variety of soils, as in deep forests, on the mountains, rocky hillsides, sandy pine lands, deep swamps, and along the coast. In Georgia huckleberry bloom has been reported to yield occasionally a surplus of thin honey, with a pink hue and a cherry flavor. The blooming-period extends from February to May. The first supers of honey nearly always contain more or less huckleberry honey. A common species is G. baccata.
On Cape Cod, Massachusetts, without Gaylussacia baccata a crop of honey would not be certain oftener than every other year. Beekeepers do not distinguish always between the huckleberries and the high-bush blueberries. In the State of Washington the high-bush “huckleberry” (Vaccinium ovatum) covers large areas of the poorest sandy soil. It blooms in April and may yield a small surplus of excellent honey. In Oregon the scarlet “huckleberry” or red bilberry (V. parvifolium) is very abundant on land that has been burned over after it has been cleared of forest. The honey is light amber, very mild, with a characteristic flavor. When ripe it is so thick and viscous that it is difficult to extract. The moist climate of the Coastal region is necessary for the secretion of nectar by this shrub. The berries are bright red. See Blueberry.
HUISACHE (Vachellia farnesiana). — Also called yellow opopanax and cassie. A shrub, or small tree, sometimes 30 feet tall, which occurs from Florida to southern California. The flowers are fragrant, bright yellow, and are valuable for pollen in early spring, but yield very little nectar. (Acacia farnesiana).
HYSSOP (Aaastache nepeloides). — A perennial herb with yellowish flowers found in woods and thickets from Vermont to Nebraska. It is in bloom for about six weeks and attracts many honeybees.
INDIAN CURRANT. — See Coralberry.
INDIAN SAGE. — See Boneset.
INKBERRY. — See Gallberry.
JACKASS CLOVER (Wislizenia refracta). — A rank-scented annual usually called stinkweed. It is known as “jackass clover” chiefly among California beekeepers. It is very abundant on the alkaline land of the San Joaquin Valley, and is so rapidly spreading that it promises to become a honey plant of great importance. It yields a mild water-white honey, which granulates in three or four months into a pastelike solid. According to Richter it secretes nectar so copiously that a Fresno beekeeper, in 1919, extracted 30 pounds per colony each week for six weeks from