MATRIMONY VINE (Lycium spp.). A shrubby, slender bush with long branches which fall over and take root, small clusters of purple flowers, and red berries. It has escaped from cultivation in many southern states and is popular with bees. Desert matrimony or squaw bush (L. Fremonti) is considered important as a stimulant in the fall in southern Arizona.

MESCAL BEAN, MOUNTAIN LAUREL, FRIJOLILLO (Sophora secundiflora). A shrub or small tree with evergreen leaves and blue or violet-blue flowers in one-sided racemes. It occurs along streams in Texas, New Mexico and south into Mexico. A strong-flavored honey is occasionally obtained in March and April. Round, red beans containing a poisonous alkaloid are produced by this plant.

MILKWEED (Asclepias syriaca). An herb with milky juice and round heads of peculiar purple flowers which often trap small insects by clipping masses of pollen on their legs and mouth parts. Milkweed is often common on neglected farm lands in the eastern states, blooming from June to August. The honey is yellow with a characteristic but good flavor. There are many other species one of which with flat clusters of flowers is semi-aquatic (A. incarnata).

MOTHERWORT (Leonurus Cardiaca). A tall, perennial mint with clusters of pale-purple flowers in the axils of the long petioled leaves which are 3-lobed at the apex. It occurs in waste places in the summer and produces a light-colored honey with a good flavor but the honey is usually mixed with that of other species.

PENNYROYAL, STIFF SAVORY (Satureja rigida). A perennial, shrubby mint with slender leaves and elongated clusters of 2-Iipped, light purple flowers. It is most important in the pine lands of southern Florida, where it blooms in the winter, December to March. The honey is light colored with a good body and a minty flavor. C. C. Bradley reports an average yield of 30 to 40 pounds. The tiny herb called pennyroyal farther north is a different species.

PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita). Minty herbs with spikes of purple flowers in close whorls. In Washington over 400 acres are grown for oil and here beekeepers store up to 200 pounds per colony of a minty, amber honey in late summer.

PICKEREL WEED, WAMPEE (Pontederia cordata). Aquatic herbs with large leaves and tall spikes of blue flowers rising 12 to 15 inches above the water. Range southern Canada south to Florida and Texas in shallow ponds and edges of small rivers. Bees work it heavily in the summer. H. B. Parks in Texas, F. M. Baldwin in Georgia, and J. H. Lovell in Maine speak highly of it as a source of nectar.

ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis). This mint is a leading honey plant in France where it produces a water-white honey with a fine flavor. Around Narbonne huge patches thrive in the sterile soils where nothing else will grow. Scale hives show a daily gain of 10 to 15 pounds. It is occasionally planted in America and should become valuable.

SAGE, CREEPING (Salvia sonomensis). A low shrubby mint with creeping woody stems forming a mat only 5 to 10 inches high and clusters of pale blue or blue-violet flowers. It is an important honey plant in the Sierra Nevada mountains and westward in California at elevations of 1000 to 4000 feet. A good surplus of white honey with a good flavor is sometimes obtained in May and June.

SAGE, PURPLE (Salvia leucophylla). Also called SILVER SAGE. A much branched shrub, 1 to 4 feet high, leaves with a whitish appearance and light, purple flowers. It grows on a coastal strip in Ventura and Santa Clara Counties at altitudes under 1500 feet. Purple sage yields a clear, white, mild honey in June which does not granulate.

SENISA, PURPLE SAGE, BAROMETER-BUSH (Leucophyllum frutescens). Shrubs up to 6 feet tall with small, silvery foliage and tubular, 2-lipped, blue or blue-purple flowers. They have been much planted on the shoulders of the roads in southern