IN THIS honey plant manual, we have arranged the flowers under five heads according to their chief colors, namely: white, yellow, blue or purple, pink or red, and green or colorless. This plan will make it much easier to locate an unknown species. A brief description of the plant, its - range, and the time of blooming is followed by a discussion of its importance as a honey plant and quotations from leading beekeepers about the amount and quality of the honey have sometimes been added.

We have included photographs of as many species as space would allow. Many of the photographs have been taken from THE HONEY PLANTS OF NORTH AMERICA written by my father, John H. Lovell, which was published in 1926 by The A. I. Root Company. Other photographs are from the author’s monthly column in GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE called “Let’s Talk about Honey Plants.” During the last 10 years, the author has visited 42 states and photographed and studied the honey plants in each region.