Honey absorbs atmospheric moisture, granulates rapidly if cold; hence keep it in a warm dry place where you would keep salt.
Keep under tight cover; insects like it, too.
Do not keep in refrigerator! (Perhaps comb honey, a short time).
Granulated honey is not spoiled honey; in fact nature does that to preserve it. Some people like granulated honey. If you wish it liquid like new, heat in waterbath at 125° or 130° F. for an hour.
Comb honey is hard to keep prime here for many weeks outside of beehive. (65° F. dry storage is needed).
Remember good honey properly kept does not spoil and is still delicious when a year or two old. (A few careless drops of water or impurity may make it spoil).
Before serving thick extracted honey, set container in warm water a few minutes; this makes it pour more easily.
Honey, being imperishable, can be purchased in large quantities and stored.
Is Florida’s most universally produced and used honey. It usually grades amber color, sometimes dark amber and occasionally light amber; all becoming darker with age. Its mild flavor and odor are characteristic and pleasing. Medium body.
Because its source-plant is used somewhat in medicine, it is thought by many to be unusually health-giving. It granulates slowly. Use for both table and cooking. Much Florida honey found in our stores has at least some of this mixed in by the bees.