TI TI (Cyrilla) A shrub or tree of swamps of North Florida, with an exquisite bloom much adored by the bees. The honey is light and mild.
1-3 cup honey |
l-16th tsp. salt |
2 egg whites |
1/2 cup toasted cocoanut |
Heat honey to 240° F., or until it spins an 8 inch thread. Pour slowly into stiffly beaten egg whites and beat with egg beater constantly. Add salt and continue beating until mixture is fluffy and will hold its shape.
Spread on warm cake and sprinkle top with the cocoa-nut, lightly toasted. Place pan of cake on board or in another pan to prevent further browning and return cake to oven to set meringue. Bake 10 minutes in very slow oven.
To toast cocoanut: Place 1 package cocoanut and 2 tsp. butter in pan and toast very slowly in oven, stirring frequently to prevent burning.