Fifth: In using honey as the sweetening agent in the place of granulated sugar, the difference in composition and flavor must be considered.

Different honeys have definitely characteristic flavors and aromas, hence the flavor of any product made by a given recipe will vary with the kind of honey used. The milder honeys should be used for salads, fruit sauces, meringues and beverages, whereas the stronger honeys are perfect for gingerbread, spice cake, and for combinations that contain chocolate.


Bread and honey for thousands of years have been Recognized as a most acceptable food. Breads, cakes, cookies and waffles baked with a small amount of honey have a distinctive flavor that is very pleasing to most palates, and for those cakes and cookies where moist keeping is desired, honey is desirable.

Honey has long been associated with crisp, tender, golden waffles. Now honey is often baked in them or, better and more delicious still, honey may be served as a sauce or paste by creaming together one part butter with 2 parts honey—beating smooth. Appetizing and satisfying are hot honey muffins, crisp and brown, spread with honey butter or honey in the comb. Honey pecan muffins are delicious for Sunday supper with chicken salad and honey. Whole wheat or oatmeal muffins are very popular with children. Cakes and cookies made with honey, baked when convenient, ready when needed, may be kept on hand constantly for use on busy days, or for surprise guests.


1 egg beaten very lightly
2 cups milk
4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup butter or butter substitute melted
2 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. honey

Mix shortening, honey, salt with beaten egg. Sift baking powder and flour together. Stir in alternately with flour and milk until full amount has been added. By using this regulation honey batter and adding nuts, candied or dried fruits, one may obtain a delicious result. Try also a honey pecan or a honey date waffle.