year in Florida, and altho it is admittedly among the finest flavored to be obtained from any source, it is not produced in the largest quantities, nor is it the most dependable. For these reasons orange honey will never be a drug on the market.
That long arm of the State reaching from the Apalachicola River in Florida to the Mo bile River in Alabama and forming a narrow section called “West Florida,” is the region of a very specialized form of commercial honey production. We refer to the honey from the tupelo (Nyssa) and the titi. The honey from these trees is produced under great natural difficulties, because these trees grow in marsh and overflowed lands along the river courses of the region named. Winter rains and spring freshets would sweep away whole apiaries in some seasons, if the hives were set on the ground. But costly experience has taught the beemen of that region to elevate their hives on scaffolding, and many yards thus lifted above the water can be seen from the river boats, that ply on the streams. The shortage of pollen-yielding flowers in the tupelo country necessitates moving bees certain years to the cotton lands of Georgia, in order to secure enough nitrogenous food for rapid brood-rearing in the early months of the year. But when all the difficulties inherent in the locations are overcome, and when nature yields a generous nectar flow, the crops of fine honey harvested there are astonishingly large. But the beekeepers of the tupelo section