According to observations of naturalists and beekeepers.
Where are you?
200 kilograms per ha
Bigtooth maple has a spotty distribution, occurring in mountainous areas from southeastern Idaho, south-central Montana and western Wyoming south to Arizona, New Mexico, south-central Texas, and northern Mexico. Disjunct populations occur along Lake Powell in Colorado, in the Virgin Mountains of Clark County, Nevada, and in the Wichita Mountains of southwestern Oklahoma.
This plant is present in at least 10 states/provinces in this country.
Bigtooth maple is a deciduous, small tree or shrub of variable size. Its life form is dependent upon the moisture regime. In canyon bottoms and along streams it grows like a tree with single or multiple trunks reaching 50 feet (15 m) tall and 1 foot (30 cm) in diameter, while on dry canyon slopes it grows as a shrub with 2 or more stems reaching 26 feet (8 m) tall.
Bigtooth maple leaves are palmately lobed, 1 to 4 inches (2.5-10 cm) wide, and pubescent beneath. Plants usually flower every 2 or 3 years. Flowers are umbellate or corymbose and have no petals. The fruit is a dry, indehiscent, double-winged samara, each side with 1 small seed 0.16 to 0.20 inch long. The ovary and young fruit have long, straight hairs. Twigs are glabrous and the bark is thin and smooth or flaky. Bigtooth maple has both lateral surface roots and a deep taproot. An extensive root system develops during the first growing season. Reproduction by the layering of the lower branches extends the root system radially.
Bigtooth maple seeds germinate and cotyledons of new plants emerge in April and May. Throughout much of the range of bigtooth maple, new leaves and flowers appear at the same time in April and May.
Ulmus americana (aka: American elm, White elm, Water elm, Soft elm, Florida elm)
Celtis laevigata (aka: Hackberry, Sugarberry, Lowland hackberry, Sugar hackberry, Arizona sugarberry, Netleaf hackberry, Small's hackberry, Southern hackberry, Texas sugarberry)
Acer negundo (aka: Boxelder, Western boxelder, Arizona boxelder, California boxelder, Texas boxelder, Interior boxelder, Violet boxelder)
Acer glabrum (aka: Rocky Mountain maple, Douglas maple, Greene's maple, New Mexico maple, Torrey maple)
Salix lucida (aka: Shining willow, Greenleaf willow, Tail-leaf willow, Whiplash willow, Pacific willow, Lance-leaf willow, Longleaf willow, Red willow, Western shining willow)