Terms of flowering honey plants in the USA and Canada

According to observations of naturalists and beekeepers.

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Terms of flowering honey plants in the USA and Canada
Plant name Plant type Picture Flowering period

Scientific name:

Salix arbusculoides

Common name(s):

Littletree willow.
Tree, Shrub

Salix arbusculoides – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, willow branch at the beginning of the flowering period. April ↔ Early August

Scientific name:

Salix bebbiana

Common name(s):

Bebb willow, Beak willow, Beaked willow, Long-beaked willow, Diamond willow, Chaton, Petit Minou, Smooth Bebb willow.
Tree, Shrub

Salix bebbiana – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Flowering plant. April ↔ August

Scientific name:

Salix planifolia

Common name(s):

Diamondleaf willow, Planeleaf willow.

Salix planifolia – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Branches with catkins and young green leaves. May ↔ June

Scientific name:

Salix pulchra

Common name(s):

Tealeaf willow, Flatleaf willow, Flat-leaved willow, Paneleaf willow, Thin red willow.

Salix pulchra – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Young leaves and catkins on a branch. May ↔ June

Scientific name:


Common name(s):

Milkvetch, Locoweed, Goat's-thorn.
Herb, Shrub

Astragalus – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, delicate flowers in a pine forest. May ↔ June

Scientific name:

Salix alaxensis

Common name(s):

Feltleaf willow, Alaska willow.

Salix alaxensis – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, The plant blooms before leaves. May ↔ July

Scientific name:

Salix richardsonii

Common name(s):

Richardson's willow, Woolly willow.

Salix richardsonii – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Flowering plant among harsh northern landscapes. May ↔ August

Scientific name:

Salix myrtillifolia

Common name(s):

Blueberry willow, Low blueberry willow, Tall blueberry willow.

Salix myrtillifolia – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Flowering shrub. June

Scientific name:

Salix fuscescens

Common name(s):

Alaska bog willow.

Salix fuscescens – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Flowering plant. June

Scientific name:

Salix glauca

Common name(s):

Grayleaf willow, Gray willow, Gray-leaved willow.
Tree, Shrub

Salix glauca – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, flowering branches in white fluff. June

Scientific name:

Rubus idaeus

Common name(s):

Raspberry, Black-haired red raspberry, Brilliant red raspberry, American red raspberry, Red raspberry, Smoothleaf red raspberry, Wild raspberry, Wild red raspberry, Grayleaf raspberry.

Rubus idaeus – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Rubus idaeus (Raspberry) little flowers. June ↔ July

Scientific name:

Chamaenerion angustifolium

Common name(s):

Fireweed, Great willowherb, Rosebay willowherb, Saint Anthony's Laurel, French-willow.
Forb, Herb

Chamaenerion angustifolium – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, bright flowering stems in the sunshine. June ↔ September

Scientific name:

Rubus chamaemorus

Common name(s):

Cloudberry, Bake apple, Baked apple berry, Bakeapple, Nordic berry, Knotberry, Aqpik, Low-bush salmonberry, Averin, Evron.
Shrub, Forb

Rubus chamaemorus – description, flowering period and time in Nunavut, Rubus chamaemorus (Cloudberry, Bakeapple) blooming flowers of perfect form. July