According to observations of naturalists and beekeepers.
Where are you?
30 kilograms per ha
Major in some areas
Smooth blackberry's range extends from Newfoundland to Ontario and along the Atlantic Coast south to Georgia and inland to Kentucky and Tennessee.
Smooth blackberry is a common understory species in open deciduous forests, on mountain ridges, and in disturbed areas.
This plant is present in at least 28 states/provinces in this country.
This rhizomatous shrub forms thickets up to 2 to 3 meters (7–10 feet) tall. The leaves are deciduous and alternately arranged, each measuring 10 to 20 centimeters (4-8 inches) long. The inflorescence is a cluster of up to 25 flowers. The fruit is an aggregate of many small drupes, each of which contains a tiny nutlet. The plant reproduces by seed, by sprouting up from the rhizome, and by layering. The stems can grow one meter (40 inches) in height in under two months.
Smooth blackberry grows across a wide range of sites throughout the cool, moist climate of the Northeast. It is very common in woods, old fields, cool hollows, and along roadsides.
Smooth blackberry flowers from May to June. Fruits ripen in early summer and persist into September. The seed disperses in September.
Acer rubrum (aka: Red maple, Scarlet maple)
Cercis canadensis (aka: Eastern redbud, Redbud, Cersis Reniformis)
Aronia arbutifolia (aka: Red chokeberry)
Acer saccharinum (aka: Silver maple, Soft maple)
Amelanchier arborea (aka: Common serviceberry, Downy serviceberry, Juneberry, Shadbush, Shadblow, Sugarplum)
Prunus americana (aka: American plum, Goose plum, River plum, Wild plum)
Malus sylvestris (aka: European crab apple, Common apple, Wild apple)
Acer negundo (aka: Boxelder, Western boxelder, Arizona boxelder, California boxelder, Texas boxelder, Interior boxelder, Violet boxelder)
Pyrus communis (aka: European pear, Common pear)
Salix nigra (aka: Black willow, Swamp willow, Southwestern black willow, Gulf black willow, Scythe-leaved willow)
Salix lucida (aka: Shining willow, Greenleaf willow, Tail-leaf willow, Whiplash willow, Pacific willow, Lance-leaf willow, Longleaf willow, Red willow, Western shining willow)