POSTED 7/12/2020
Submitted by the State of Washington Recreation and Conservation Office
POSTED 4/17/2020
Help increase population by planting more shrubs and flowers, says Judith Cole
POSTED 4/12/2020
‘I feel like I’m an adoptive father,’ Fred Haynes says of his rented mason bee colony
POSTED 1/29/2020
Many species of North American bumble bees have seen significant declines in recent decades. Bumble bees are essential pollinators for both native and agricultural plants, and their ability to fly in colder temperatures make them especially important pollinators at high elevation and at high latitudes. Bumble bee declines have been attributed to a handful of factors, including lack of flowers.
POSTED 12/4/2019
The more diverse a farm’s plant population, the more beneficial it is for bee pollinators, and the more efficiently those pollinators work.
POSTED 8/12/2019
The US Department of Agriculture has announced that it will no longer track honeybee populations or collect data for its Honey Bee Colonies Report. Data collection for the report from January 2018 through April of this year pointed to the worst honey bee hive loss on record, when beekeepers reported a 40% reduction in bee colonies last winter. But, in the absence of US federal funding, did you know solar energy is playing a growing role to save the bees?